Guillermo Turina

Baroque cello


Guillermo began his cello studies at the age of three with teacher Arantza López, following the Suzuki method. He continued his education with María de Macedo and Miguel Jiménez, until he entered the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Aragón, where he studied for his Bachelor of Music degree, specializing in the cello, under the tuition of Angel Luis Quintana, Maite García and David Apellániz. He also attended advanced musical courses with Jaap ter Linden, Anner Bylsma and Pieter Wispelwey.

After his bachelor studies, he studied a Master of Music Degree in Orchestal Performance, in the Barenboim-Said Foundation in Sevilla, as well as the diploma of the  Formation Supérieure au métier de l’orchestre classique et romantique in Saintes, under the tuition of Hillary Metzger and Christophe Coin. He broadened his studies in the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya, specializing in the Baroque cello, with Bruno Cocset, Emmanuel Balsa, Andrew Ackerman and Emilio Moreno, with the highest possible grades. He also studied the Master of Music Degree and in October 2019 he received his Doctorate cum laude from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona for his thesis The Cello in Spain in the 18th Century.

During his career he has played as principal cello in orchestras such as the Joven Orquesta Nacional de España, the Jeune Orchestre Atlantique, the Orquestra Barroca Catalana, Nereydas and the European Union Baroque Orchestra, where he has worked with masters such as Philippe Herreweghe, Mark Minkowski, Jordi Savall, Rachel Podger and Lars Ulrik Mortensen. His activity as a soloist has taken him to play both solo recitals and orchestra concerts in various concert halls throughout Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany and Argentina. He is member of La Tempestad, Paperkite, Nereydas and Al Ayre Español.

On the other hand, his work as a musicologist has resulted in two recent publications: the critical editions and study of the cello methods written in Spain at the end of the 18th century, by SEPTENARY editions, and the book La música en torno a los hermanos Duport in the catalogue of Editorial Arpegio in Sant Cugat (Spain). His CDs Francesco Supriani: Principles to learn to play the cello and Giacomo Facco. Master of kings with soprano Eugenia Boix and harpsichordist Tomoko Matsuoka, and The Paris Sonatas with lutenist Manuel Minguillón, have been published in the Dutch label COBRA records.

Guillermo plays a cello Marchal à Paris, from late 18th century.